See image
Hello @NyBumBum, thank you for your post and welcome to the forum
If I understand correctly, the Fractions feature is doubled?
Does this happen to all the fonts you currently have in FontBase that have opentype features?
If you toggle these features separately, are they actually cloned, or do they produce different results?
Thank you again,
FontBase Dev Team
Hi Yuriy!
This is a bug in the interface. You have 44 buttons for OpenType features. Each button links to its own SVG image file. However, the “Fractions” button links to an SVG file for “Historical Ligatures”. The latest version without this bug is 2.7.0. Just pass the screenshot and this information to the code author. Thanks
Thank you for the quick reply and the additional explanation @NyBumBum
Brilliant catch, thank you!
Already done, will be fixed in the next update.
Thank you again,