Thank you for the quick update
Have you performed the procedure on both devices? If so, does the number of fonts match now?
Also, just to clarify - what is the exact number of fonts after doing the above?
3335 should be the total number of Google fonts as of 2.21.0.
The difference is because at one point in the past Google started consolidating their fonts into variable font files. So 6k fonts in the older version doesn’t mean there are more font options. On the contrary, variable fonts in the 3k folder can have multiple styles in the same font file, resulting in the smaller total number of fonts, but over 6k font styles overall.
hmm ok. helps partial. on desktop inter tight is missing, on surface its there under google fonts. so if i delete the folder on my surface and add it again i will lose this font for example
Good point, thank you
I just tested this specific case though, cleared everything, reset the settings, then fresh install of v2.21.0 (to make sure I don’t have any older fonts left), but I still see it:
Are you sure this specific font is missing? Not questioning the general point of some font differences between the database versions Google provides, it is quite probable
Also, regarding the total number of fonts I’ve mentioned above - I’ve made a mistake, sorry about that, was looking at the wrong version. The total should be 3203.
Thank you for the update @mothfri
If I may clarify - is this happening to the Google folder in the Providers sections which has been added via the “Import Google fonts” option after deleting its previous version?
Thank you for the quick reply
Yes, unfortunately the grouping issue with other folders is still ongoing, but will be fixed in the next update, which should be up soon
I am trying to help, yes, I understand this must be a very annoying issue to have
Would it be possible for you to capture a screen recording of the process of deleting the Google folder in the Providers section, then adding it as we’ve talked about above? Checking in your file explorer whether the folder is actually deleted before re-adding it, if possible
For the life of me I can’t reproduce the bug you’re describing, there is no good reason for this to happen neither on our nor on Google’s end. But I’m still trying to remedy the situation regardless of the reason and get you back to where you were before this started happening as soon as I can
Thank you for the quick reply, fair enough on the screen recording, I completely understand
I believe the new version should be up in the coming weeks, not sure yet on the exact date, sorry about not being able to provide an exact date at this moment
Thank you for the quick reply
Given the bug severity the update will most likely be up sooner than initially planned. And I can only provide a timeframe at this moment, not an exact date, as unfortunately it depends on many other factors
Doing everything in my power to speed up the process as I do understand how disrupting this issue is.