Chinese typeface not showing up in preview

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Hello @chriswc, thank you for your post and welcome to the forum :pray:
If you open the Family page, do you still see these boxes or the proper text?
Does this happen to all Chinese typefaces, e.g. Google’s Noto Sans SC Thin?
Do the fonts themselves contain the appropriate glyphs you’re trying to display?

Thank you again,
FontBase Dev Team

Yes even in Google’s Noto Sans. If I type English words the boxes go away, it’s only when I type a Chinese word to see the preview of the typeface that the boxes appear.

Kindest regards,

Thank you for the quick reply Chris :pray:
Does this happen in the Family page as well (not the main font list)?
And, another question - do the fonts you’re trying this on have the respective glyphs?
Thank you again,

Hi Yuriy,

After doing some more testing, yes this also happens in the Family Page as well. I have also found a strange thing while doing the test. The Monotype chinese OTF regardless of Chinese or English words have no preview. In Google Noto Sans there is preview in English but in Chinese. However testing the Google Noto Sans HK otf the Chinese words do have preview. I would have attached files for your reference but the forum will not allow me to attach media files to my post. I can email to you if needed.

Kindest regards,
Christopher Cheung

Thank you for the quick reply and the additional info Christopher :pray:
Would you be able to also have a look at the Glyphs tab in the Family page for the fonts that you’ve mentioned?
From the information gathered so far it looks like most likely the fonts don’t contain the necessary glyphs to reflect the preview text
For example Noto Sans you’ve mentioned (Noto Sans - Google Fonts) does not contain any Chinese glyphs.

Thank you again,