Missing weight in family font providers from Google

I installed the latest version of FontBase (2.21.0)
In the folders providers from Google i see 3203 font, i was searching for the “Rubik” and it show only two weight but i know that there are more weight.
How can i download full library from google fonts ?

Hello @Ettore, thank you for your post and welcome to the forum :pray:
Since some time ago Google started providing a variable option for many of their fonts. This is one of those cases.
If you navigate to the Family page, then to to the Waterfall tab, you’ll be able to see the respective variable property sliders.
You can also use the Preview page for comparing larger chunks of text making use of the same variability options.
If you prefer having each font weight (in this case) as a separate file, then the way to go would be to:

  1. Go to Google’s Rubik - Google Fonts page
  2. Click “Get font” at the top right
  3. Then click the download icon

    and wait for the download to finish. You’ll have downloaded a “Rubik.zip” file.
  4. Open the .zip file, go to “static”, that’s where all the individual font files are located.
  5. Unpack the desired files or the entire folder.
  6. Add them into FontBase as you would with any other fonts.
    Please keep in mind that there is no need to add these fonts into FontBase as a separate step if you’ve unpacking them into FontBase’s Root folder. In this case FontBase will recognise them automatically.

Hope this helps and thank you again,

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Hi yuriy
For some selected (professional) apps it is not necessary to use only static fonts but many (free) simple apps doesn’t support variable fonts (so I understand Ettore’s question).
But another question: what about a search option in fontbase for variable fonts? I have some variables (most from google) but don’t know which ones inside fontbase.

Hello Matty, thank you for your reply :pray:
Absolutely, I understand different software works differently with fonts, hence me trying to provide as much information in my reply as possible:)
As for searching for variable fonts - shouldn’t be too difficult to implement, could be useful, you’re right.

Thank you again,

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