White screen after launching - crashes?

Thank you for the additional info :pray:
This is very strange and definitely shouldn’t happen.
Is FontBase installed on your local hard drive?

yes it is installed on the local hard drive, today after restart it worked again for some minutes, after trying in vain to add fonts, via drag&drop, or with folders, fontbase did not show any new fonts and then it was white again…

Thank you for the update :pray:
Just for my better understanding - FontBase worked ok before you added any fonts/folders into it, and then the situation with the white screen repeated itself?

at least it was open and displayed, and i can at least activate and deactivate the google fonts, but unfortunately i can’t add any other fonts…

Thank you for the quick reply :pray:
I do understand that this is a bad situation, and is extremely inconvenient to say the least :pensive:
I’m doing my best to help fix this, but in order to do this I need to understand what is going on and what the cause might be, so the additional information really helps :pray:
For now we’ve found out that the freeze happens when you try to add fonts into FontBase.

The fonts you’ve added just before the app stopped working - were they on a local hard drive?
What file format were they?